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Unexpected Opportunities

Real Farm Foods has had a few glitches in our office this last week that has caused us to temporarily suspend our home deliveries. Dawnnell has chosen to no longer be part of Real Farm Foods so we have been scrambling to find help to take over her responsibilities. Since our on-line ordering system went down because of this event, we decided to take this opportunity to prepare a long needed update on our website and our on-line ordering system as well. We regret any hardship this may cause any of our customers and we do appreciate each and every one of you. We expect to be up and running again in just a few weeks.

Because Real Farm Foods has been growing these last few years our public face needed an upgrade to better describe and give credit to the number of other farmers that help make up our Real Farm Foods Hub. For those who are not aware, Real Farm Foods Hub is now made up of about 50 local farmers who follow our Clean food, No pesticide, No GMO, grass fed, all natural protocol. So we are re-designing our website and social media to give credit where deserved. The movement of Real Food is growing and we believe part of our mission is to work hard at providing quality organic food that anyone can afford. Utilizing the economy scale that working with many other local farmers provides, does that very thing.

In the near future you will be meeting more of those farmers that help grow Real food. This is also an opportunity for you as a customer to request from us anything we might have missed in the past. Please keep watching for feed-back forms in our weekly newsletter. And don't forget to mark your calendar for our Family Fun Day in just a couple weeks Saturday June 4. We are having a great growing season so far and we hope you and your family are also.

One of your farmers,


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